
Covid-19 workshops Held

The trainings below will be done via a ZOOM Webinar in partnership with the Prince George's County Office of Central Services, Supplier Development & Diversity Division.

Re-opening your Doors for a Healthcare Business - Patients, Policies, and Re-building Trust during Covid-19 - August 25, 2020
 You will hear tips from 2 healthcare business owners on how to navigate your business through Covid-19 as you re-open your doors. View Flyer

Understanding Loan Forgiveness under the PPP Program - July 30, 2020 - View Flyer
This workshop will guide small businesses and entrepreneurs on how to complete the application and report on your loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  You will learn how to reduce compliance burdens, what is required for full-time head counts, calculate payroll, and report on allowable expenses that can be deducted.

Shaping your Brand for the Digital Experience - July 28, 2020 - View Flyer
This workshop will help small businesses learn the difference between branding and marketing and how to define your brand. Businesses will learn the importance of email integration, website usability, and the technology to interact and engage customers in a digital platform.  This workshop is great for store front, brick and mortar and businesses with products and services.

Crisis Communications - How do you Build a Plan during Covid-19? - July 23, 2020 - View Flyer
In the midst of Covid-19, how have you assessed the crisis?  Is your messaging reaching your customers and clients? And, have you put in place how you will communicate about your business?

Overview of Online Meeting Platforms -  Zoom, Go to Meetings, Webex - July 21, 2020 - View Flyer
In the midst of Covid-19, many small businesses had to quickly pivot to communicating virtually.  This workshop will highlight the features of 3 online meeting platforms and, help you to determine the best use and benefits for small businesses.

Writing an Effective Capability Statement - July 17, 2020 - View Flyer
Are you prepared to introduce your business for contract opportunities?  Do you know the importance of a capability statement? This workshop will help you understand: the definition and use a capability statement, what are the components, how to format, and what content is important

<Business Development 101 - Preparation, Strategy and Relationships - July 15, 2020 - View Flyer
The goal of this training is to provide fundamental business development skills for small businesses to increase their ability to create and maintain habits for success and growth of their business.  We will cover business basics, profit engineering, business development, and customer service

Covid-19 Funding for Small Businesses and Independent Contractors - June 28, 2020
This workshop will walk you thru the application to apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  June 30 is the deadline for PPP, and the SBA is now accepting new applications as of June 15 for qualified small businesses for the EIDL under which you may also be eligible for a grant up to $10,000.  View Flyer

Digital Media Resources and Tools to help Grow your Business  - June 30, 2020
This workshop will introduce small businesses to digital media tools and resources they can use for marketing and outreach to clients.  Businesses will see different examples of how to incorporate those tools into their business. View Flyer